spider pod rentals nyc — NJ Jib Operator Speaks — Universal Jibs

spider pod rentals nyc

"Jimmy Jib Rentals" or "jib operator NYC" vs The Gimbal

When is a “Jimmy Jib Rental” or “NYC Jib Operator” better than a gimbal? Gimbals are an amazing tool to create the smaller scale motion of a jib shot, tracking shots, and much more. There is a lot of cross over with what a jib and gimbal can do! When it comes to live events, jibs are much more helpful in capturing the size and scale as the jib arm can physically move the camera from a few feet off the ground to 30’ in the air! However, a gimbal can do fun tracking shots such as flying down the length of an isle. These are both fantastic options! However, in live events people don’t enjoy staring at the operator’s back for too long. Gimbals tend to need to be right in the action which means they are parked right in front of people trying to see! With a jib flying from above, the base set up from further away, and arm constantly moving, the sight lines of the people attending a show are much better preserved. The jib also gets a much more grand perspective of a space since it can fly higher!

Jimmy Jib Rental - Cine Camera Package ! Jib op NYC Talk

Earlier this year I made the call to move on from my Cabrio 19-90 as the main cine lens for the jib camera package. The picture results of the cabrio and fx9 combo were absolutely stunning, especially since the image circle covers 5k crop. However, I always wanted just a little more range from the lens and the opportunity to flip the 19-90 into a Canon 17-120 came last summer! The Canon lens is absolutely beautiful, just a little wider, and more tele. It still covers 5k crop yielding a wonderful width equivalent of just about 20-21mm. That is perfectly wide without getting into a slight fish eye distortion. I find DPs and directors for live broadcasts like that super wide distortion on TV lenses which is about the equivalent of 16mm. However, when it comes to cine projects, directors tend to avoid that look and 20mm gets you plenty wide without getting that grandiose super wide look…..but still very grand, if that makes sense : ). SO for the world to know, the main NYC FX9 Rental for cine kits is now features a Canon 17-120!

Spider Pod Rentals NYC - Spider Pod NJ

New for 2025!! We aren’t just offering Jimmy Jib Rentals in NYC! We of course can crew full teams for cine or ENG capture styles of events. To help facilitate crewing and set up efforts, we offer up to (6) Spider Pods in NJ, NYC, Boston, or Washington DC. The spider pod is a great camera riser system that is much more compact than dual 4x4 stage decking. Weighing just about 45lbs, each unit folds up into a soft or hard case making transportation easy and possible in a minivan. Twelve 4x4 decks (two sets for six operators) would require far more set up space, a truck to deliver, crew for assembly, etc. Spider Pod Rentals in NYC or NJ are easily added on to jib rentals in NYC OR available for stand alone rentals.