Jib Op Washington DC vs Jib Op NYC - A Tale of Two Cities

These are two cities which I have worked in many times over the years! Offering Jimmy Jib Rentals in Washington DC is much different than Jimmy Jib Rentals in NYC…. Let’s compare two different famous theaters. The Opera House at the Kennedy Center vs The Beacon Theater in NYC. The joy of the Kennedy Center is that you just drive up onto the promenade and enormous doors load you in right on the stage. K.C. is right off the highway and many hotels are a 5min walk, including the Watergate Hotel which plays into their historic scandal subtly in their modern decor. Parking is easy as there’s an enormous garage right under the venue! The venue has awesome stage hands who are super helpful with anything you might need. The Beacon Theater is right in the middle of a Manhattan neighborhood!! The venue has to get police ordered no parking all around its perimeter for trucks to load in and stay as there isn’t really a loading dock. They have large loading doors that fork lifts can get in and out of that go right on stage. You also can load gear thru the stage doors but space is a premium back stage. It’s tight and windy like many places in NYC! Tho The Beacon Theater may be just a little more chaotic to arrive to and get gear inside, you have a ton of help on the way. It’s an IATSE Local 1 venue so once they know you’re there, an army of very professional stage hands will get all stuff inside right where it needs to go. So there you have it, two examples of working in similar types of spaces in VERY different cities!